BoxOfAmazon's Site
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Mean people
People that see neurodivergent people as sick people /vneg
Irl heavy
Throwing up irl images
Fluffy Pony Abuse
People that traumadump without asking
Mochi's texture
Hot cocoa
Huevos Rancheros
Honey's smell and texture
Too big food portions
✅ Yes:
- DM me or FR me
- Ask about my special interest or hyperfixations (has to clarify if its ok with
- Nickname me
- Use tone tags
- Make fun of me as a joke (Use tonetags for this please!)
- Online touch (like hug or pats)
- Ask about altherhumanity (theriotypes, kintypes, fictkins, etc)
- Talk with my little self (Keep it sfw)⚠️ Ask:
- Venting to me
- Flirt with me
- Rp with me (keep it sfw)🚫No:
- Sexualize me
- DNI critteria
- Please do not ask me weird things like
- Dont respect my pronouns or gender identity
- Making fun of my fictkins/fictshifts
- Confusing me
- Talk about religion
- Being racist
BoxOfAmazon's Site
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I'm 17 years old at the moment, I go by Jonathan but my online name is Box/Amazon, I'm a transmale and also xenogender. I'm a furry, alterhuman, therian and otherkin.
My theriotypes are: Wolf (Black and grey fur, missing half of the left ear, yellow eyes), Borzoi (Unknown aspect), American Grackle, Chihuahua (short hair) and questioning Hamster.
My kintypes are: Furby Boom Crystal (Pink and purple), Clicker (From TLoU) and Homunculi (From FMA)I'm autistic and get anxious easily, I'm really scared of heights.I'm friendly, but I get nervous when meeting new people or getting into a new discord server. I forget things easily, I'm horrible with remembering dates or names.I like collecting shiny little objects or just random things that are interesting to me.I'm a self taught artist, I draw, paint and sometimes I do small sculptures.I forget to respond to messages, so, please, if I don't answer a message send another one to remind me that you exist/I didn't respond.I have currently two fursonas, this being Odger and Mikhail/Misha!